Entrepreneur and Entrepreneur Press provides practical information, motivational accounts and useful resources for aspiring entrepreneurs. According to the staff at Entrepreneur Press and writer Jacquelyn Lynn, if you a thinking of starting a successful cleaning business then you will want to consider offering one of these eight particular cleaning services.
#Entrepreneur #EntrepreneurPress #EntrepreneurMagazine #JacquelynLynn #WindowCleaning
#DisasterCleaning #Restoration #BlindCleaning #PressureWashing #RestroomCleaning #ChimneySweeping #CeilingCleaning #WallCleaning #PostDeathCleaning #TraumaCleaning
Source: "Start These 8 Niche Cleaning Businesses." Entrepreneur. Entrepreneur Media, 15 April 2014. Web. 17 April 2014 <http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/232941#>.